Monday, 1 February 2016

What Are The Different Parts Of Septic Tank?

A septic tank can be defined as a tank in which all the waste components is decomposed through bacterial action and the modern septic tanks are constructed usually like a box made up concrete blocks.

The functions of a septic tank:

  • To create a space to hold where solids must be separated by the liquids
  • To break down the solids through a process called biochemical technique.
  • Settled solids must be stored till the pumping occurs.

Basic components of septic system:

In general septic tank has four main parts. Those are listed below:

  • Pipe from your house 
  • A septic tank 
  • Drain field or latch field 
  • Soil

Pipe from the house:

In the construction of the septic tank, we will use pipe which acts as a mediator between the house and     septic tank. All the waste water exits your house through this pipe to the septic tank.

Septic tank:

In the general septic tank is constructed beneath the earth surface made with concrete, plastic or fiberglass. It holds the wastewater for a long time to allow the solids to settle down forming a layer called sludge and the oil and grease on the surface and form scum. All the solid materials are partially decomposed. And the constructed compartments and T-shaped outlet prevent outflow of scum and sludge from the septic tank to drain field area.


Septic tank water flows to the drain field which is provided to final treatment by removing the bacteria which harmful. Be sure that it is necessary to find suitable soil for successful wastewater treatment.


Septic tanks are essential to prevent the accidental fall in tanks which may lead to risk or death. Usage of strong and durable tank covers may avoid these problems. Tank covers that are to be used are of different types and different models based on the requirement you can use the desired type of covers.


In general, the top of the septic tank is about I foot below the surface but the depth of the septic tank may be several feet deeper. The depth or width of the septic tank can be increased or prepared accordingly based upon the requirement.

Thus septic tank is constructed with the combination of different components which is useful to dispose the wastes from home to septic tank.

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